Friday, December 9, 2011

"Life Storms"

This famous photo was shot from a helicopter. The man in the door way survived the waves and the storm but he never saw this one rouge wave coming. That is the way it often is when a storm hits us- we never see it coming. But God does so read on please.

Those of you who know me well, have heard me preach over time or have sat with me to try and work through a problem know I try to make my life an open book. I try to not hide who I am. There are times when my life has been the good, bad and the ugly. If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that is true for us all.Christmas time is not an easy time for many people. Counselors, psychologist, ministers among other professionals all see a rise in people who are facing crisis moments in their lives during the holidays. Life gets too much to handle on your own. We need help.

In 21 years of marriage Michelle and I have had our issues. We have been close to divorce once or twice but committed to each other and to God to work it through and came out on the other side a stronger couple. We have faced major heartbreaking events as parents and had some near losses of our children that shook the foundation of  "family". Both Michelle and I have spent time on our knees lifting up and surrendering those times to Jesus as He is the only one who could walk us through those moments.  I watched my parents tear each other and the family apart in a bitter and nasty divorce. I lost my dad when I was about 26 years old to cancer. A few years later we watched as Michelle's dad slowly wasted away from cancer.

Car accidents, cancer scares, money issues, job problems, multiple moves, deaths of loved ones, fights and confrontations, suicides, gut wrenching choices, bills that pile up, car breakdowns, a mirror that shows how our bodies have aged in spite of how we see ourselves in our mind, friends who pass, friends who let us down, friends who we loose, separation from loved ones, depression, anxiety, health declining... need I go on? Everyone of us has had to face these things at different points in our life.

Ever want to shout out "Where the #%@* are you God!" (You may not use bad language but most have thought it- be honest!!) Everyone has faced those thoughts/ asked that question. Own those thoughts, confess them to God. He knows what you have thought and struggled with and He wants you to know you are forgiven and loved by Him. He has big shoulders and you are not going through these things alone. Adam as he reflected on the death of his son Abel and the lost of his son Cain, Abraham as he traveled through lands where he was a stranger, Ester as she faced the king, Joseph and Mary as they cared for Jesus, Peter as he faced his inner demons, Noah as the door closed and the rain began, Jeremiah as a reluctant prophet, Isaiah as he tried to guide and few would listen, Woman at the well who looked for love in all the wrong places, Jairus who lost his daughter, Jacob who took what was not his, Stephen as he was being stoned, Paul as he was in prison, those who loved and followed Jesus but found themselves now looking up at him hanging on a cross all struggled and wondered at times where God was. YOU and I at times struggle with where is God.

Sometimes God calms the storms in our life and sometimes He rides the storm with us. Either way GOD IS WITH YOU!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We see God is with us in scripture as we read those accounts of real life people listed above and see many many more examples in His word.

One of my favorite songs that reminds me of this truth is "I Will Praise You in this Storm" by Casting Crowns. Take a moment and click on the link below, turn up the volume, and listen to this song.

Call me weak. Call me pathetic. Call me fragile. Call others these words. Call yourself these words. You would be correct in doing so. We do not have to face the storm alone and if we are honest with ourselves we cannot face them alone. Storms over-power us when we try and go it alone. Nothing is impossible with God. (Luke chapter 1)

Jesus is bigger than anything we face. He will give you the strength you need. He WILL see you through for He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end!  Amen.

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